This very website!
This project is my own attempt at creating a portfolio of my work and includes any guides I’ve created which could help others in the dev community
The below is taken from the
from the repository itself, view this file and rest of the repository on GitHub here - Personal Website
A repository for my personal website, it’s purely made with HTML, CSS, and JS been made with Jekyll and Liquid as it’s a static site with some links and information thrown together - it’s all hosted on AWS in a S3 bucket served by CloudFront.
As this repository is a portfolio of my own work I might be slightly hesitant for adding contributions by others but feel free to reach out or raise an issue if you find a bug
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
- Dark Poole Jekyll Theme
- rxaiver’s GitHub Emoji Cheat Sheet
- Img Shields
- Choose an Open Source License
- othneildrew’s Best README Template
Project Link: GitHub